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Yah'ri & Michelle NL Champion Hunter under saddle '22


Unexpectedly, I went anyway.. at first I didn't like it, too little training because I had too many other things on my mind and my motivation was nowhere to be found. And then, 2 weeks before the Dutch championship western it started to itch and we went anyway! Yesterday the alarm went off at 4 o'clock, at 5 o'clock my mother Nicole and I drove to Someren.

The first part was directly under the saddle, Yah'ri adapted very well and came off the trailer fit after the long trailer ride of more than 3 hours. He was fantastic to drive and that immediately resulted in the

🥇Gold medal and the title 'NL CHAMPION hunter under saddle '22' 🏆

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Hereafter 'our' part, showmanship at halter. For the first time with a chain along the halter and ohhh.. I wish I had done this before. Yah'ri was so much sharper, neater with the aids and he was great to guide. Unfortunately we left stupid points which cost us the head, but still very satisfied with how he put this test sooo tight.

🥈Silver medal 'Showmanship at halter'

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After this we would not ride our next part until mid-afternoon, so we had a lovely lunch with my mother in the restaurant of riding school Het Keelven. Then read 2 dressage tests in the pouring rain for Fenne 😆 and then on to the next part Western pleasure.

Yah'ri was great riding again, I noticed that he was less sharp due to fatigue, but oh how proud I am, in a mega group of 10 riders he was incredibly steady!

4th place 'western pleasure' of 10.

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The last part 'horsemanship', again a large group of 9 participants! Just before the test started I discovered that I had practiced the wrong pivot at home, it had to go left instead of right.. haha! Okay, we'll see how it goes. But even now Yah'ri showed his best side, it felt good! And that was also reflected in the points, we got the same points as the number 1!! 🤩 In the end the jury had to choose and our test was less steady than that of the number 1, but wow what a result!! Pride!

🥈Silver medal 'western horsemanship'

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And then, at the end of the Today we were also told as a total surprise that we could put the title 'Allround reserve CHAMPION '22 beginners' 🏆 on our name!

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